Euro Safety Run Safe Pass Courses in Adrigole (THE CAHA CENTRE, DROUMLAVE, ADRIGOLE, CO. CORK, P75 EK72) on the days indicated in the calendar below starting at 8:00 AM.
The Safe Pass Course is required for all construction site and local authority workers (including apprentices and trainees) to ensure that they have a fundamental knowledge of health and safety before commencing work on any building site.
Any worker who alters, interferes or changes a building must in time have a Safe Pass card.
Safe Pass Training must be repeated every 4 years to renew your Safe Pass Card. Choose a suitable date below and you can book and pay online.
Please Note:
The Full name of each applicant must be included in the Name field below when booking (There is a space for the name for each applicant.)
All applicants must have a B2 Standard of English to Partake in the course
- Irish PPS / Uk National Insurance Number
- Passport sized photo
- Valid ID